Course Details

Instructors, Lecture, Lab, Grading Criteria, CSRRC


Professor Claudia C. Johnson
Office: GY 5048
Phone: 855-0646
Email: (please add EAS E114 to the email subject line)
OFFICE HOURS: Monday, 2:30-3:15 pm and by appointment.


Professor David Polly
Office: GY 5053A
Phone: 855-7994

Lectures are Monday and Wednesday, 11:15 am – 12:45 pm in GY 1045.


  • Exam 1 – 20%
  • Exam 2 – 20%
  • Final Exam – 30%
  • In-Lecture Exercises – 30%

Each lecture exam is comprehensive and will include material presented from the beginning of the semester.

In cases of illness and a missed lecture, refer to Canvas for the lecture powerpoint. If you are having trouble keeping up in the class, please speak with Dr. Johnson.

A missed lecture exam will require official documentation to substantiate the absence, and can be made-up only at the discretion of the professor.

Final Grade Distribution:

A=90-100; B=80-89; C=70-79; D-60-69; F=59 & lower; marks of + and - will be added to the letter grades as follows (- assigned to 0, 1, 2; + assigned to grades of 7, 8, or 9; e.g., 87%=B+, 61%=D-; 74%=C). Class grades are not curved.

Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct